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Ithraa im Vergleich zu Hoffaz - Student Nutzung und Statistiken
منصة تعليمية لخدمة العلوم الشرعية، تهدف لإيجاد بيئة تجمع علماء الشريعة وطلابها من أنحاء العالم، وتدعم الكتب التعليمية بوسائل وطرائق متعددة، وهي إحدى مشروعات شركة إثراء المتون.
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Memorizing and teaching the Sunnah of the Prophet, through modern technology, and facilitating access to its preservation.
Aims: for
• Establishing students of knowledge who preserve the Prophet's Sunnah, to be advocates for spreading the Prophet's Sunnah in their countries.
• Introducing the origins of the books of Islam that contained the hadiths of the Prophet, peace be upon him.
• Disseminating the biography of the Prophet, peace be upon him, and introducing his merits, morals, etiquette and dealings in order to be a method for Muslims in their lives.
• Finding a reliable and pioneering reference in the field of memorizing the Prophet's Sunnah.
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Ithraavs. Hoffaz - Student Ranking-Vergleich
Vergleichen Sie Ithraa den Ranking-Trend der letzten 28 Tage mit Hoffaz - Student
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Ithraa im Vergleich zu Hoffaz - Student Ranking im Ländervergleich
Vergleichen Sie Ithraa den Ranking-Trend der letzten 28 Tage mit Hoffaz - Student
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Dezember 16, 2024