I ate it. im Vergleich zu Missyt Nutzung und Statistiken

하루동안 먹은 것을 사진으로 공유하는 앱, I ate it. Easily share and connect with others about what you’ve eaten today. When you're pondering what to eat, take a peek at others’ delicious food photos for some inspiration. No need to worry about capturing picture-perfect shots. Your posts will disappear from others' view after 24 hours. 실시간으로 오늘 먹은 음식을 다른 사람들과 가볍게 공유하고 소통하세요. 오늘 뭐 먹을지 고민될 땐 친구들의 음식 사진을 참고해 보세요. 사진을 예쁘게 찍을 필요는 없어요. 게시물은 하루가 지나면 다른 사람에게는 보이지 않아요. - Please only upload food photos. Only pictures taken in real time can be posted. - Simply snap a photo, no need to add any additional information to create a post. - Posts will be shared for 24 hours, after which only you can see them. - You can communicate with others through comments. - In a single post, you can add multiple photos using the 'Add a plate' button. - All the food photos you've captured are visible on the profile screen. - If you come across any non-food posts, please report them to us. - 음식 사진만 올려 주세요. 사진은 실시간으로 찍은 사진만 올릴 수 있어요. - 사진만 찍으면 다른 정보 작성 필요 없이 간편하게 게시물을 생성할 수 있어요. - 게시물은 24시간 동안만 공유되고, 이후에는 나만 볼 수 있어요. - 다른 사람들이 먹은 음식에 대해 댓글로 소통할 수 있어요. - 하나의 게시물에 ‘Add a plate’ 버튼으로 여러 장의 사진을 추가할 수 있어요. - 프로필 화면에서 그동안 내가 먹은 음식 사진을 모두 볼 수 있어요. - 음식 사진이 아닌 게시물을 발견한다면 저희에게 신고해 주세요.
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Are you in a long distance relationship? are you going through a rough time feeling lonely and wishing you could feel your significant others presence? then MissYT is the app for you this app was made for this very purpose ~ MissYT keeps loved ones connected even when they are not able to be together through sharing a virtual touch ~ New in Version 3.0: Introducing QUICK-MISS notifications • For times when your significant other is too occupied with work.Send them a Quick-Miss letting them know you are thinking about them! • Send your loved one a Quick-Miss before their important exam or important meeting or send them a motivational notification to give them a confidence boost ! New in Version 2.0: Apps first game mode "Pictionary" New in Version 1.0: • Introduction Message Write each other an introductory message to support each other BUT you can only read them as long as you are connected! • Increase in Radius The longer you are connected the longer the radius of your connection gets • Radius Color & Heart Color Changes At certain time points you will see change in color of heart and tap radius indicating your connection getting stronger and stronger • Buzz Vibrations Every time you are both connected both of your devices vibrate indicating two hearts connected together at the same time • Longest Connection You can compete against records set by other couples and set your own record for other couples to beat ⁃ Heart Colors / Closeness Stages The longer you are connected the different color levels you achieve ∙ Black ∙ Blue ∙ Green ∙ Orange ∙ Cyan ∙ Lime ∙ Yellow ∙ DeepPurple ∙ Pink ∙ Red
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I ate it.vs. Missyt Ranking-Vergleich

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I ate it. VS.

Dezember 23, 2024