Coordinates Lite im Vergleich zu GPS Format Converter Nutzung und Statistiken

Coordinates Like makes it a snap to convert between the three formats for recording latitude and longitude: decimal degrees, degrees and decimal minutes, and degrees-minutes-seconds. Just enter the coordinates in the format you have and the conversions are made immediately. All three coordinate notations are displayed at once. If you'd like to add GPS, waypoints, a pointer to a location, and the ability to show your location on a map, try the full version of Coordinates for on the App Store.
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EASILY AND QUICKLY convert between three different GPS coordinate formats: - Degrees, Minutes and Seconds DDD° MM' SS.SSS" - Degrees and Decimal Minutes DDD° MM.MMMMM' - Decimal Degrees DDD.DDDDDDD° SHARE your location with a click of a button. EASILY copy each format to the clipboard. Get your current location in all three formats with a click of a button. Open up the coordinates in Apple Maps, Google Maps or Waze.
  • Apple App Store
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Vergleichen Sie Coordinates Lite den Ranking-Trend der letzten 28 Tage mit GPS Format Converter

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Coordinates Lite VS.
GPS Format Converter

Dezember 14, 2024