漢文 句法 単語 基礎学習 大学共通テスト 大学受験 im Vergleich zu 古文の王様-高校 古文単語・漢文単語を暗記する単語帳アプリ Nutzung und Statistiken

大学共通テストへ 漢文単語 の学習アプリ がこの度、新規リリース! 本アプリはいつでも気軽にできる選択式 のクイズアプリです(^ ^) ◯こんな人にオススメ ・ 国語 ( 特に漢文 ) の勉強が追いついていない方 ・ 古文漢文 が苦手なので、まず平均点を取れるようにしたい方 ・ 基礎的な問題の取りこぼしが多い方 ・ 勉強時間の確保が難しいので、通勤時間などの隙間時間を活用したい ・ 大学共通テストの勉強をしていて、 まず基礎的な知識の定着をしたい 問題はさらに追加していきます !
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Are you worried about your scores in classical Japanese and Chinese literature? With this application, you can enjoy studying ancient Japanese and Chinese texts like a quiz game! Even if you don't like classical Japanese or Chinese literature, the way you view them may change! Furthermore, the questions are based on high school curriculum guidelines, so they are useful for regular exams and university entrance exams! Let us introduce you to our application!   ======================= Example ======================= ▼ Classical Japanese Literature Q. 赤ん坊が歩き回る姿は「うつくし」。このときの「うつくし」の意味を答えなさい。 Q. It's "beautiful" to see a baby walking around. Please answer the meaning of "beautiful" in this case. A. かわいい A. Cute ======================= ▼ Chinese Literature Q.「稍く」の読みを答えなさい。 Q. Please answer the pronunciation of "稍く". A. ようやく A. Finally =======================   ◉ Overview ・230 questions and answers in classical Japanese, 200 questions and answers in classical Chinese. ・230 multiple-choice questions on classical Japanese, 200 multiple-choice questions on classical Chinese. ・You can enjoy the game elements as you progress by solving 5 questions per stage. ・The terminology and vocabulary used throughout the application are of high importance in entrance exam questions. ・Covers the necessary content for preparing for regular high school exams and university entrance exams.   ◉ Modes This application has multiple modes (quest, multiple choice, Q/A, and hearing). Let's conquer every mode! - Quest You can solve each problem one by one and learn like a game. You can get a gift certificate by clearing all the questions. Try the questions and win gift certificates. - Multiple Choice Questions You can try the four-choice questions that often appear in mark-type exams. If you answer all 5 questions correctly, you will advance to the next stage, so please try to enjoy it as if it were a game. - Q/A This is a vocabulary book where you look at questions and answers alternately. This is the basis for memorization, so try to do it everyday. - Listening You can listen to the questions and answers in audio. Use the listening function to make effective use of free time such as commuting time in a train or bus.   ◉ Price and period of special training plan (regular subscription) • ¥360/1 month, ¥1,800/6 months, ¥2,900/1 year • Prices are subject to change. • The period will be automatically renewed for one month starting from the application date. • Payment will be charged to your iTunes account. • For paid plans and free trials, unless you cancel automatic renewal at least 24 hours before the end of the period, the period of the paid plan will be automatically renewed. • Charges for automatic renewal will be made within 24 hours after the end of the paid plan period. • You can check your paid plan and cancel automatic renewal from your AppStore user account settings. (* You can also check the same and cancel/set automatic updates from iTunes.) ◉Others ・Terms of use: https://sites.google.com/view/hanauta/tou ・Privacy policy: https://sites.google.com/view/hanauta/policy
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漢文 句法 単語 基礎学習 大学共通テスト 大学受験vs. 古文の王様-高校 古文単語・漢文単語を暗記する単語帳アプリ Ranking-Vergleich

Vergleichen Sie 漢文 句法 単語 基礎学習 大学共通テスト 大学受験 den Ranking-Trend der letzten 28 Tage mit 古文の王様-高校 古文単語・漢文単語を暗記する単語帳アプリ


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漢文 句法 単語 基礎学習 大学共通テスト 大学受験 im Vergleich zu 古文の王様-高校 古文単語・漢文単語を暗記する単語帳アプリ Ranking im Ländervergleich

Vergleichen Sie 漢文 句法 単語 基礎学習 大学共通テスト 大学受験 den Ranking-Trend der letzten 28 Tage mit 古文の王様-高校 古文単語・漢文単語を暗記する単語帳アプリ

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漢文 句法 単語 基礎学習 大学共通テスト 大学受験 VS.
古文の王様-高校 古文単語・漢文単語を暗記する単語帳アプリ

Dezember 19, 2024