1Extn - Extensions & Shortcuts im Vergleich zu Air Route Nutzung und Statistiken

Need a different browsing experience on your Apple device? Look no further than 1Extn, a collection of Safari extensions designed to take your browsing game to the next level. With just a few taps, you can easily enable and disable any of the extensions in the settings section of your device. Plus, you can try them out one at a time to find the ones that suit you the best. From enabling the Picture-in-Picture feature on webpages with video content to translating webpages to different languages, 1Extn has got you covered. You can even view and highlight the source code of a webpage or search for audio or video files in web open directories through Safari. Want to convert a URL to a QR code or search for lyrics on YouTube? No problem! 1Extn has got you covered. And if you're looking to extend Safari's functionality even further, 1Extn offers two extensions that allow you to run either a shortcut or a script from Safari. With these extensions, you can perform all kinds of custom actions and automate your browsing experience. But don't take our word for it, try 1Extn out for yourself! Access every extension available via the Settings app > Safari > Extensions (iOS/iPad). And don't forget to rate and review 1Extn to help us continue to improve and enhance your browsing experience. Note that all extensions provided have limitations, and while they collect no data, functionality may differ between Apple devices and can be interrupted without notice. So what are you waiting for? Give 1Extn a try and take your browsing to the next level!
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Air Router is a small utility that lets you show all information about your current network routes. Network routing is the mechanism that allows an iOS device to find the network path to another system. A route is a defined pair of addresses which represent the “destination” and a “gateway”. The route indicates that when trying to get to the specified destination, send the packets through the specified gateway. There are three types of destinations: individual hosts, subnets, and “default”. The “default route” is used if no other routes apply. There are also three types of gateways: individual hosts, interfaces, also called links, and Ethernet hardware (MAC) addresses. Known routes are stored in the routing table of iOS device. DEFAULT GATEWAYS • List the default gateway (router) addresses of active network interfaces. • Show hostname, network type, MAC address (on Wi-Fi network only), PING capability, WHOIS record for each default gateway. • Full offline MAC vendor database. HOSTS AND SUBNETS • List the known network hosts and subnets. • Show hostname, network type, MAC address (on Wi-Fi network only), PING capability, WHOIS record for each host. • Full offline MAC vendor database. • Show link local and multicast destinations. ROUTE ENTRY INFORMATION • Maximum transfer unit (MTU) value. • Entry expire date. • Maximum hop count. • Estimated round trip time (RTT). INTERFACE DETECTION • Supported interfaces: • Local loopback (this device). • Wi-Fi network (client mode). • Cellular (wireless WAN) network. • Bluetooth PAN network. • VPN tunnel (L2TP, PPTP or Cisco IPSec). • Personal hotspot bridge (general mobile internet connection sharing). • Connection sharing via Wi-Fi radio. (access point mode) • Connection sharing via Bluetooth radio. • Connection sharing via USB cable.
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1Extn - Extensions & Shortcuts VS.
Air Route

Dezember 14, 2024