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m-ba im Vergleich zu m-zaba Nutzung und Statistiken

BH: Sa mobilnim bankarstvom (m-ba) upravljajte svojim računima kada god poželite. m-ba je brza, jednostavna i praktična usluga UniCredit Bank d.d. Mostar koja Vam omogućava potpuni nadzor nad vlastitim novcem: - Pregled stanja i prometa svih Vaših računa i računa po kojima ste opunomoćeni - Plaćanje režija i drugih računa - Mogućnost slanja naloga ino platnog prometa - Ugovaranje trajnih naloga - Prijenos sredstava između Vaših računa - Pregled troškova i limita po karticama - Podjela transakcija na rate nastalih kreditnim karticama - Upravljanje sigurnosnim dnevnim limitima - Aktiviranje novih i reizdanih kartica - 3DS autorizacija web kartičnih transakcija putem m-ba ili m-token aplikacije - Pregled PIN koda za debitne i kreditne kartice - Ugovaranje i plaćanje e-uplatnica - Dokumenti u m-ba - Prijava u aplikaciju pomoću biometrije - Upravljanje budžetom i troškovima - Brza provjera računa bez prijave u m-ba - Pregled kontakata u Banci... m-token je aplikacija koja služi za identifikaciju korisnika i potvrdu izvršavanja transakcija putem usluge Internet bankarstvo (e-ba). m-ba i m-token aplikaciju možete ugovoriti u najbližoj poslovnici UniCredit Bank d.d. Mostar. EN: Mobile banking (m-ba app) enables you to manage your accounts wherever you want. m-ba is simple, fast and user-friendly mobile service of UniCredit Bank d.d. Mostar, which provides you with the full oversight of your personal finances: - Checking account balances and list of transactions for all your accounts, including accounts which you are authorised to operate - Payment of utility bills and other invoices - Foreign exchange within your accounts - International payments processing - Standing orders contracting - Credit card installments - Card limits management - Card activation - 3DS authorize card transactions with m-ba or m-token app - Card PIN view - Set-up and payment of e-bills - Documents in m-ba - Application login with biometrics authentication - Personal finance manager - Fast check account balance using widget option - Bank contact details… m-token is an application which serves for client identification and transaction verification via Internet banking (e-ba). Apply for m-ba and m-token services at all UniCredit Bank d.d. Mostar branches.
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Bez obzira na to gdje se nalazili, m-zaba vam omogućuje potpunu kontrolu nad financijama. m-zabom možete: • plaćati račune putem m-foto plati • uplaćivati na račune u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu • prenositi novac na najjednostavniji način uslugom IziPay - dovoljno je znati broj telefona primatelja • provjeravati stanja i promete po računima, štednjama i kreditima • dobiti informativni izračun gotovinskog i stambenog kredita • ugovoriti gotovinski kredit, kreditnu karticu, dopušteno prekoračenje • ugovoriti ili promijeniti paket proizvoda i usluga • naknadno podijeliti na rate jednokratne transakcije učinjene Individualnom Mastercard kreditnom karticom ili one po tekućem računu u eurima • pronaći sve informacije o karticama, provjeriti PIN-ove, upravljati dnevnim limitima te blokirati karticu u slučaju gubitka ili krađe • dobivati obavijesti o primljenim uplatama • trgovati udjelima u fondovima ZB Investa i kreirati svoj investicijski plan te ugovarati do pet trajnih naloga istovremeno u različite investicijske fondove • trgovati na svjetskim burzama uz uslugu ZB Trader Global • plaćati parking te uzeti listić s brojem za red u poslovnici. m-zabu ugovorite u poslovnici. SIGURNOST Zagrebačka banka posvećuje posebnu pozornost sigurnosti korisnika mobilnog bankarstva. • PIN kojim se pristupa poznat je samo korisniku, stoga u slučaju krađe ili gubitka mobitela ne može doći do zlouporabe. • Podaci o PIN-u i računima ne pohranjuju se u mobitel, a unos PIN-a zaštićen je varijabilnom tipkovnicom. • Usluge kojima se pristupa PIN-om automatski se blokiraju u slučaju višestrukog uzastopnog unosa netočnog PIN-a. • Nakon tri minute nekorištenja m-zaba će automatski odjaviti korisnika. Regardless of where you are, m-zaba gives you complete control over your finances. With m-zaba you can: • pay bills via m-foto pay • make payments to the accounts in Croatia and abroad • easily transfer money with the IziPay service. Recipient’s phone number is all you need. • check the balances and transfers of accounts, savings, and loans • obtain an informative calculation of cash and housing loan • arrange a cash loan, credit card, contracted overdraft • contract or change a package of products and services • subsequently divide one-time transactions made with an Individual Mastercard credit card or transactions on the current account in euros into instalments • find all card information, check PIN’s, manage daily limits and block the card in the event of loss or theft • receive notifications about received payments • trade shares in ZB Invest funds and create your investment plan and contract up to five standing orders into investment funds • trade on world stock exchanges with the ZB Trader Global service. • pay for parking and take queue number ticket for the queue in the branch office. Arrange m-zaba in a branch. SAFETY Zagrebačka Banka pays special attention to the security of operations performed by mobile banking clients. • PIN used to access the services is only known by the user and therefore there is no threat of abuse if a mobile device is stolen or lost. • PIN and account information are not stored in the mobile device, and the entry of PIN is protected by a variable keypad. • The services that are accessed by entering PIN are automatically blocked if an incorrect PIN is repeatedly entered. • After a 3-minute period of inactivity, m-zaba automatically logs out the user.
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  • Finanzen

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März 12, 2025