İşlemler ve SKU seviyesi verileri

Bir şirketin internet üzerinden yaptığı satışları derinlemesine inceleyin ve şirketin ürünleri, müşteri tabanı ve dijital işlemleri hakkında daha ayrıntılı bilgiler edinin

Bir tanıtım alın

Dönüşüm sanatını ölçün

Every visit is a potential client, but some visits end before a transaction is completed. With funnel analysis, compare conversion rates of websites in an industry to understand which business is doing a better job at generating transactions from its user base.

Airbnb Avg. Visits

Dönüşüm sanatını ölçün

Every visit is a potential client, but some visits end before a transaction is completed. With funnel analysis, compare conversion rates of websites in an industry to understand which business is doing a better job at generating transactions from its user base.

Airbnb Avg. Visits
Understand specific subdomain traffic

İstediğiniz alt alan adı trafiği hakkında bilgi alın

Many websites are composed of different subdomains, including member areas or specific customer subdomains. Go beyond the general traffic and see login, account and checkout pages to understand how users are transactionally interacting with a website.

İstediğiniz alt alan adı trafiği hakkında bilgi alın

Many websites are composed of different subdomains, including member areas or specific customer subdomains. Go beyond the general traffic and see login, account and checkout pages to understand how users are transactionally interacting with a website.

Understand specific subdomain traffic

Web sitesinin ötesine geçerek SKU düzeyinde verilere ulaşın

Website segments analysis provides visibility into a website’s product mix so users can evaluate supply and demand. By analyzing segments of the URL (for example the “nike” string on footlocker.com), you can better understand online consumer behavior and interest in specific products.

Business Performance Trends - Conversion Rate

Web sitesinin ötesine geçerek SKU düzeyinde verilere ulaşın

Website segments analysis provides visibility into a website’s product mix so users can evaluate supply and demand. By analyzing segments of the URL (for example the “nike” string on footlocker.com), you can better understand online consumer behavior and interest in specific products.

Business Performance Trends - Conversion Rate

Dönüşüm ve Sayfa Düzeyinde Özellik Seti

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