Grab a bigger piece of the Amazon pie

Amazon Keyword Tool

There are over 300m products for sale on Amazon. Optimize your listings with Similarweb’s Amazon keyword research tool to climb up those ranks

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Welcome to the largest and most accurate Amazon keyword dataset

Unlike most tools that rely on generic search data, we analyze actual searches on Amazon to deliver real, authentic data you can rely on

Boost your Discoverability
Higher organic rankings

Boost your listing discoverability

With our Amazon keyword generator you can find the right search terms to optimize your titles, product descriptions and backend keywords to climb those rankings. Also see lists of related products with a ‘fit’ score to your target keyword.

From Keywords to Clicks
From keywords to clicks

Get the edge in the world’s biggest marketplace

Similarweb gives you real click data and organic vs paid split for every keyword. This means you can optimize for products that have higher ROI, and identify where you may need a paid spend boost to drive more visibility and sales.

Find new product ideas
Amazon keyword search tool

Analyze product demand and potential

Use our Amazon keyword finder to identify and validate new products and product lines - see if there’s real demand. Get granular: include and exclude keywords in the search function to find the most relevant opportunities in a niche.

Power your global ecommerce strategy
Ecommerce keyword research

Power your global ecommerce strategy

Similarweb’s Amazon and Google keyword generators can be used to find, map and target the right terms for your website and Amazon store. Maximize user acquisition by harnessing the best keyword, country and category data on the market and joining up your strategy.

The ingredients that make our Amazon keyword generator so good

View Competitors rank data

Accurate search volume (MSV)

MSV is often over-inflated but Similarweb provides independent data for Amazon search


Related product searches

Get a fit score for related keywords so you can focus on a niche or go broad for inspiration

Shopping Cart Icon

Amazon category data

Each keyword has the corresponding leading Amazon category displayed

Product click data

Product click data

See how many clicks each product receives to sharpen your commercial edge

Location data

Location data

Generate keywords based from 60+ countries - so you can so better localize and strategize

Track Search volumes and click data


Specify terms to include or exclude to better filter your product target list

Billions of keywords

Billions of keywords

…and counting. Fresh keywords are added every day

Data downloads

Data downloads

Download keyword lists into excel, so you can use to create a content strategy

Try for free


Why use an Amazon keyword research tool?

Tools for Amazon keyword research are vital to creating a coherent and successful SEO strategy for the platform. The Similarweb Amazon Keyword Generator provides multiple data points for real keywords that are searched for by users on Amazon, making it the most superior tool on the market.

What is Similarweb Amazon Keyword Generator?

Similarweb’s Amazon Keyword Generator is part of the Digital Marketing Intelligence platform. The feature allows users to find keywords based from a seed term or topic. We use real-user data, so SEOs and marketers can optimize Amazon listings, find new product opportunities and better strategize with fresh, accurate and relevant search terms.

How accurate is Similarweb’s Amazon keyword data?

Similarweb’s Amazon keyword generator data is known for its accuracy. Its monthly search volume (MSV) is unique to each keyword and not clustered (like many tools). We also show click data, the organic vs paid split, and the leading Amazon category for each term.

How do you find keywords for Amazon?

Using Similarweb Digital Marketing Intelligence, head to the ‘Keyword Generator’, enter a seed term, or upload a list, pick the ‘Amazon’ search engine, and a list of phrase-match and relevant keywords will be generated.

Keywords to optimize your product listings

In just a few clicks, have access to the freshest keywords to transform your Amazon marketing strategy

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