Why alternative data?

See digital activity for every website and app globally in near real-time. 

Industry Level Data

Pie Chart

Gain a high-level market and industry perspective to understand wider consumer trends and behaviors, and outlier performers.

Company Level Data


Gain a more granular view of individual company performance through website & app traffic and engagement data.

Brand Health Data

Competitor Monitoring

Analyze & evaluate brand health and growth, using customer acquisition and marketing strategy data.

Transaction and SKU Level Data


Deep dive into a company’s online sales and see more granular insights on customer base, online transactions and the products that are driving growth.

Audience Behavior Data

Audience and Brand Building

Glean consumer insights to foresee longer-term trends.

Invest Confidently with the Best Digital Alternative Data

Similarweb is the only digital alternative data to track all online activity by sector, industry, and geo providing the most accurate, comprehensive and detailed view of world trends so investment professionals have the insight to inform smart strategy.

Similarweb industry heatmap tool

Accelerate idea generation

Immediately identify trends and changes in company, industry or geo performance

Find Alpha Opportunities

Discover leaders and laggards and build conviction in your investment hypotheses

Mitigate Investment Risk

Rely on weekly averages of desktop and mobile web visits to validate company performance

Similarweb named the best alternative data provider

HFM Winner - European Technology Forum

Similarweb is used by hundreds of funds and over half of the Fortune 500