Daten auf Branchenebene

Gewinnen Sie eine hochrangige Markt- und Branchenperspektive, um umfassendere Trends und Ausreißer zu verstehen.

Verstehen Sie den digitalen Stand einer Branche

A company cannot be evaluated in a vacuum. Understand the general digital trends of an industry to add context to your company analysis.

digital performance by Industry
Rank industry players

Rang Branchenakteure

Each industry is composed of thousands of websites, and we have them all ranked by size and various metrics to enable you to immediately identify where a website stands in comparison to its peers.

Verfolgen Sie Änderungen im digitalen Marktanteil

Oceans rise, empires fall… disruptors will always look to take over the incumbents of an industry. Evaluate the changes in digital market share over time.

Monitor changes in digital market share


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