Daten zum Publikumsverhalten

Sammeln Sie Verbraucher-Insights, um längerfristige Trends vorherzusehen

Holen Sie sich eine Demo

Denken Sie über die Kundenbindung nach

The internet allows consumers to shop around and visit as many online stores as they like. Using Audience data, identify valuable websites that a target audience visits in addition to the analyzed website. Identify new competitors and quantify the risk of customer churn.

customer loyalty
Evaluate the potential of monetization

Bewerten Sie Monetarisierungs- Potenzial

The internet is global but the demographic and geographical mix of a website can have long-term implications on its top and bottom line. Understanding where users come from can demonstrate the potential value of user monetization.

Verstehen Sie die Besucher besser

Learn more about the target audience of any company or industry by seeing where they spend time on the web. Our audience intelligence features enable you to see websites being browsed in the same session as the analyzed site and thus, build a better user profile for specific websites.

Screenshot from Similarweb - Audience interests of

Funktions-Set Publikumsverhalten

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Gehen Sie den Finanzen und der digitalen Kurve voraus

Erfahren Sie mehr darüber, wie Anleger Similarweb verwenden, um bessere Entscheidungen zu treffen.

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