
Say Hello to Similarweb’s Technical SEO Tool

Say Hello to Similarweb’s Technical SEO Tool

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Today we’re excited to announce we’ve launched a premium technical SEO tool: Similarweb Site Audit.

This comprehensive, enterprise-level web crawler is designed to cope with even the largest and most complex sites, detecting the errors holding your site back from reaching its traffic, ranking, and ROI potential.

Site audit completes Similarweb’s SEO toolkit, inside the platform you can perform: competitive analysis, keyword research, rank tracking, backlink analysis, and site audits.

Technical SEO: mastered

In today’s volatile SEO landscape, you need a way to regain control and chart your path to SEO success by focusing on areas you have influence over.

Technical errors lurking beneath the surface can really hold your progress back, and having access to detailed site audits gives you a clear road map for fixes and optimizations across the four pillars of technical SEO:

  1. Discoverability
  2. Crawlability
  3. Indexability
  4. UX (user experience)

So we’re proud that our tool has:

  • Over 300 performance factors analyzed + enhanced traffic funnel analysis, so you can detect the errors holding you back from discoverability through to UX
  • Server-side crawls that can be scheduled or run ad-hoc. Segment by full site, subfolders or even pages
  • Superior features: enhanced backlink analysis, powered by Majestic. Log file analysis via Logs.io. And a data explorer to slice and dice performance factors to understand impact
  • Slick UX and workflow lists, so you can get insights faster and plan and track your progress
  • Historic reports and industry benchmarks to track performance over time and unlimited shareable reports for your internal teams or external clients

Site Audit tool

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Site auditing is crucial to site health

Backed with all the capabilities above, SEOs can run or schedule crawls for regular reviews or alongside significant changes or projects. During our closed beta testing, customers found it particularly useful for:

  • Streamlining site migrations: safeguard traffic and revenue during major structural changes by comparing your staging environment with your live site to diagnose and fix issues
  • Improving user experience: identify your site’s UX performance and optimize for conversions where it matters to improve ROI
  • Analyzing your competitors’ technical performance: uncover technical weaknesses, from page titles to site speed and reveal opportunities in areas where your competitors’ visibility is lacking
  • Improving indexability: Auditing your site’s crawlability and uncovering indexing issues such as duplicate content and soft 404s and utilizing our traffic funnel analysis to identify indexation issues impacting your visibility

Completing the SEO puzzle

With our new site audit tool, Similarweb is now a one-stop shop for SEO, giving you access to:

  • Keyword research tools based on real user data for any date range, including the last 28 days
  • Rank tracking tools to identify opportunities and detect threats across the entire SERP with daily updates
  • Competitor analysis tools that uncover rivals’ search strategies, providing search and click data at both site and page levels
  • Backlink analytics to review domains and individual pages, finding link opportunities to fuel your own link-building strategy

SEO and beyond

Regarding today’s launch, Baruch Toledano, GM of Similarweb’s Search Solution, said:

“With today’s release, we are showing our customers that we are committed to bringing the best SEO tools to the market in a time of extreme change in the industry.

“When it’s harder than ever to get organic traffic, our Site Audit tool is designed to give users back some control. Control to find the right levers to impact performance and ultimately improve not only rankings, but traffic and ROI.

“Over the past year, we have also released a backlink analyzer, rank tracker and a brand new dataset to support our already outstanding keyword research abilities. With these releases, we are giving SEO tools to help them with their everyday, but also the data to help them be strategic – truly analyze and spot opportunities to achieve growth in a rougher than ever landscape.”

Our site audit tool is now live on our platform and available to all account-managed accounts.

Ready to master your technical SEO? Our Site Audit tool is now live on our platform for all of our customers.

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by Adelle Kehoe

Director of Content Marketing

Adelle is passionate about content and has a strong background in content creation, SEO, and marketing. She has helped companies of all sizes enhance their online presence.

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