TheStrip by DDMF app analytics for December 14

TheStrip by DDMF

TheStrip by DDMF

  • Christian Siedschlag
  • Apple App Store
  • Paid
  • Music
The Strip is the essential channel strip: the finest EQ, gate and compressor bundled in one beautifully designed plugin. Just slam this baby onto every channel in your project (which you easily can, because of its low CPU usage) and you’ll have the equivalent of a high-class mixing console on your hands. TheStrip puts you in complete control of the spectral and dynamic properties of your whole mix. TheStrip for iOS comes in AUv3 and Inter-App-Audio format for all your production needs on the iOS platform. It can be loaded in all the standard digital audio workstations available for iOS, like Garageband, Cubasis, AUM and the like. Its desktop counterpart has been an essential part of many a producer's daily audio work, and after a long waiting time, the port to iOS could finally be completed.
TheStrip by DDMF

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December 14, 2024