MBZ Teacher Award app analytics for December 15

MBZ Teacher Award

MBZ Teacher Award

  • Ministry of Education UAE
  • Apple App Store
  • Free
  • Education
جائزة محمد بن زايد لأفضل معلم استحدثت جائزة محمد بن زايد لأفضل معلم، تطبيق ذكي خاص بالجائزة، حيث يتيح للمعلمين المشاركة في الجائزة و الاطلاع على معاييرها التي من شأنها صقل كفاءات وقدرات المعلمين، وزيادة معرفتهم، ومهاراتهم، بحيث يكونوا أكثر تمكناً من فنون العمل التربوي، بما ينعكس على تطور وريادة التعليم في بلدانهم. Mohamed bin Zayed Award for Best Teacher The Mohamed bin Zayed Award for Best Teacher has developed a smart application for the award. It allows teachers to participate in the award and find out about its different criteria’s that aim at enhancing teachers’ competencies and capabilities as well as their knowledge and skills so that they achieve a better mastery of the arts of the education profession. This will also enhance the development of education and leadership in their countries.
MBZ Teacher Award

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The Store Rank is based on multiple parameters set by Google and Apple.

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December 15, 2024