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28VC Wallet vs Guardee Usage & Stats
◉ 편리한 회원 가입
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◉ 간편한 입/출금
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◉ 여러 국가 화폐단위 지원
달러, 원, 옌, 엔 등 다양한 국가의 화폐단위를 제공 합니다.
◉ 다양한 코인 지원
비트코인, 이더리움 등 다양한 코인들을 제공합니다. 목록에 없는 코인들도 언제든지 문의 주세요. 바로 지원 하겠습니다.
◉ 편리한 지갑 UI
보유코인만 목록에서 보이는 기능, 지갑 순서 정렬 등 사용자가 빠르고 편하게 접근할 수 있는 UI/UX 를 제공합니다.
◉ 친구 초대 혜택
많은 친구들을 초대하세요 좋은 선물이 기다리고 있습니다.
◉ QR기반의 다양한 서비스 제공
자신만의 고유의 QR코드로 이벤트, 코인 전송 등 다양한 기능을 편하게 사용할 수 있습니다.
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SASEUL is a blockchain engine that is 1,000 times faster than bitcoin while maintaining perfect decentralization.
You can find information about SASEUL Mainnet below.
ArtiFriends: [https://artifriends.com](https://artifriends.com/)
SASEUL: [https://saseul.com](https://saseul.com/)
SASEUL Explorer: [https://explorer.saseul.com](https://explorer.saseul.com/)
You can set a nickname for each wallet addresses for convenience.
Duplicate nicknames are not allowed, and nicknames are temporary tags used only within Guardee.
The nickname setting method and format may be changed later.
Guardee is a safe wallet that each device stores the private key so that there is no risk of external hijacking.
Current version supports Ethereum in addition to SASEUL.
1. The password that is used to login to Guardee is not the password of the address itself.
2. The password you enter when running the application is the password for the screen lock.
3. The password of each wallet address is reffered as private key.
4. The seed phrase generated when creating the wallet and private key that can be revealed inside the application are critical keys to restore the wallet data.
5. It is recommended for all users to store seed phrase and private key separately in a safe place.
(No third party, including the developer of the application, can give any help to someone who has lost wallet including the developer of the application)
6. The assets in the wallet can be compromised when the private key is stolen or exposed by any third party.
7. Artifriends doesn't store any private key or seed phrase of client, and it never asks to reveal the information in any cases.
Upcomming Features
1. Guardee will be connected to bitcoin in the future.
2. Decentralized messanger based on blockchain wallet address will be added.
3. Decentralized bulletin board powered by SASEUL will be added.
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December 14, 2024