Shinja Kenpo app analytics for December 15

Shinja Kenpo

Shinja Kenpo

  • Warrior Faith Ministries
  • Apple App Store
  • Free
  • Education
Welcome to Christian Karate By Warrior Faith Ministries Earn your Black Belt in Shinja Kenpo Karate, a faith-based Blended Martial Art system that challenges its students to become Warriors for the Glory of the Lord. A True warrior doesn't set foot on the battleground without intentionally training for the mission. He is focused and unwavering. Are you bringing that kind of intentionality into your faith? We as Christians need to start looking at ourselves as Warriors of Christ. This mindset is often overlooked or even rejected by the typical American Christian. Likely because the term warrior implies something very uncomfortable… And the typical American thrives on comfort. God has called YOU to be ANYTHING but typical! Are you Living INTENTIONALLY on mission for Christ? Christian Karate By Warrior Faith Will challenge you as a family to train in your faith with intentionality. This app includes: - Karate Skill Drills - Karate Techniques - Family Bible Studies - Sermons - Devotionals - Verse of the day Podcasts
Shinja Kenpo

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December 15, 2024