eZug app analytics for December 14



  • Stadt Zug
  • Apple App Store
  • Free
  • Utilities
eZug is the electronic identity of Zug. With eZug, users have a verified electronic identity which they can use to identify themselves digitally on eGovernment portals in a secure and easy way. Furthermore, users can order, pay and receive official documents, such as Debt Registry Extracts or Certificate of Residency directly in the app. The required identity data is managed by ZUGLOGIN (Canton Zug) and automatically updated in eZug if necessary. For each service and identification, the user determines which data will be released for use. eZug is a voluntary service offered by the City of Zug.

Store Rank

The Store Rank is based on multiple parameters set by Google and Apple.

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eZug Ranking by Country

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December 14, 2024