Kristal:Digital Wealth Manager app analytics for December 14

Kristal:Digital Wealth Manager

Kristal:Digital Wealth Manager

  • O2O Technologies Pte. Ltd
  • Apple App Store
  • Free
  • Finance
Searching for trending investments from around the world? They’re all on Kristal.AI. Now with a brand new look and feel ! We offer a vast range of investments for Accredited Investors. From award-winning funds to alternative and impact investments, and private equities. Legacy planning option is also available through our family office arm. For everyday investors, we have 200+ ETFs curated to sector themes, and algorithm-managed portfolios. The portfolios will be automatically rebalanced to help you get started with ease. With the Kristal.AI mobile app, you get your portfolio dashboard, market updates, and latest investment opportunities on-the-go. What you will love about Kristal Private Wealth account: We add investment ideas regularly. Explore new investments by speaking to your Kristal Advisor. Access private market investments which are usually reserved for the ultra-high-net-worth individuals. Unbiased advice and timely market insights from your dedicated Kristal Advisor. Optimise your investment performance. We administrate your assets invested for you to have a clearer picture of your wealth. Boost your investment performance, through leverage or margin trading. Option to fully trust us to grow and manage your wealth. With a fully discretionary mandate, our Advisors make investment decisions on your behalf through discretionary mandates. All the powerful tools and features available in the account. What you will love about Kristal Retail account: Personalise your investment portfolio using our advisory algorithm. Simply input your investing goals, risk tolerance and time horizon to get started. Automate your investments through a Systematic Investment Plan. Flexibility to choose your investments, even in an algorithm-generated portfolio. Kristal.AI management fee starts from 0.3% per annum that begins at the first investment. You can easily top-up and withdraw funds through the online portal We are a regulated entity. Headquartered in Singapore, with offices in Hong Kong and India, we are licensed by MAS, SFC and SEBI. We hold clients' funding in DBS (Trustee Bank), and assets in Saxo Markets and Interactive Brokers (Custodian). Media & Press: Love Kristal.AI? Follow us on LinkedIn:
Kristal:Digital Wealth Manager

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