Anticipate and Manage Consumer Demand

Track point of sale data at the category, brand, and product level across marketplaces to meet consumer demand in every market

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What can you do with consumer demand insights

Find Growth Opportunities

Monitor categories’ size, growth, and average conversion rates to find white space areas of opportunity.

Optimize Your Product Portfolio

Uncover your category and competitors’ top-performing products to optimize your own portfolio.

Benchmark Against the Competition

Monitor your competitive landscape, and track your competitors’ performance to put your own numbers into context.

Teams leveraging consumer demand insights

Strategy & Category Management

Calculate your TAM in each category, understand your position in the market, and monitor the competition.


Base your annual sales plan and growth targets on transactional data and track your performance relative to the market.

BI & Analytics

Monitor category performance and brand market share in different channels.

What makes our consumer demand insights unique

Online sales data is a must, but it’s not enough. Shopper Intelligence lets you discover how you got to where you are: what consumers searched for, what brands they considered purchasing, and how loyal they are.

Knowing how consumers behave as shoppers is the only way to effectively optimize your marketplace strategy.

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