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Why choose Similarweb over Semrush?

With fresher data and sharper insights, unlock the full potential of digital intelligence.

  • Better Accuracy
  • Real-Time Data
  • Better Coverage
  • Multi Channel Analytics
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Similarweb vs. Semrush compared

Keep your finger on the pulse of the digital world. Similarweb data offers fresher, more accurate insights so that you can make informed decisions to fuel growth.

Superior accuracy,
powered by real-world data


Unique, multi-dimensional approach to measure the digital world.


Heavily relies on scraping and Google API methodologies, falsely equates rank with traffic.

Real-time search insights


Similarweb search volume is independent, delivering an unbiased, more accurate view of search trends.


Out of date tactics to calculate traffic result in a biased view of keyword demand.

Insights across channels and devices


Provides true multi-channel analytics of your competitors to monitor the impact of cross-channel marketing campaigns.


Offers a partial picture by combining paid and organic search data, missing insights for email and display traffic.

Daily updated keywords, Superior coverage


Superior mobile keyword coverage and search volume split by device.


More focused on branded keywords, mobile keywords coverage falls short.

Industry leaders are raving about Similarweb

Similarweb vs. Semrush: Here's what our customers have to say

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